For further information visit
www.babycheramy.lkBaby Cheramy not only enriches the lives of families by delivering best quality & safest of products, dermatologically tested for proven mildness, but also conducts community outreach programs to help better the future of the county.
We actively participate in and support programs that promote child safety and health, contributing to a healthier and safer world for future generations.
The programs are conducted with the partnership of key stakeholders within the ECCD (Early Childhood Care & Development) community, educating parents across the country on pre-natal & post-natal care and the importance of early childhood development.
- Complete range of toiletries and accessories for babies
- Renowned for simple purity of product, using ingredients carefully tested for mildness and suitability for use on babies
- Peach Range comprising soap, cream, cologne, shampoo and baby oil, is the original range of mild baby care products trusted by mothers for so many years
- The brand's main equity is in the trust mothers have in it